Stephen has been designing and delivering websites to personal and corporate clients since 1995.
Website design is an area of the internet which has grown exponentially as the net has become an integral part of our personal and business lives.
Nowdays, having a website, especially a buiness site, entails more than a simple store front to show off your goods and services.
With the advent of PHP, ASP, java, javascripting and Flash, sites are now capable of doing business on your behalf, 24 hours a day, with a client base which depends on your site's ability to attract them, via search engine tactics and marketing campaigns.
tephen has delivered websites for clients on a wide array of budgets, from the personal homepage to the intricate corporate site, working alone and directly with the client, or as part of a combined set of talents which the more complex site demands.
However, being a freelance designer has many advantages for clients, in particular a realistic price structure, based on a realistic site size, content, delivery scedule and ongoing maintenance schedule.
Sites which he has either designed and delivered, or been an associate designer in HTML, Javascript, graphics, PHP and/or strategy and conceptual development:
This site has since been redesigned
Want to know more? Email Stephen now.
